Monday, October 28, 2013

The idea..

      So most American families eat out at least three nights a week.  I get it.  We're all busy with work,kids,extra curricular activities, social obligations, basically life.  But what are we feeding our families and ourselves when we go out to these chain and fast food restaurants?  We pump ourselves full of ingredients we can't pronounce, from unknown sources, filled with who knows what.  We know this, but again, life gets in the way. 
    We all want to do better, to feed our family and ourselves well.  But who has the time?  The idea is wonderful, but is it practical?  I think yes.  Will it take a shift in thinking?  Yes.  Will it be difficult at first?  Yes.  But the question we all need to ask is...Is it worth it?  Definitely yes! 
    I've always enjoyed cooking, and a few years ago, out of sheer necessity to help our family save more money, I started making  more and more things from scratch.  Using fresh, in season ingredients, utilizing my freezer, and cooking in bulk.  It's changed our family for the better.  We've started gardening ( a little bit, hopefully bigger this spring.) And now we're planning to create a compost pile for our upcoming garden.  Not that we are totally hippy,living off the grid, solar panelling our house type of people.  We are just a typical American military family,with small steps, to do better.  Be better.
  So the idea is, helping to give people practical solutions to eating great whole foods, that can be prepared in advance or quickly, that everyone in the family will (hopefully) enjoy.  There will be trial and error, but will it be worth it?  Definitely yes!

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